
於 2025年2月26日 (三) 20:57 由 Chunghwamc留言 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (Chunghwamc已移動頁面模板:Home banner.css模板:首頁.css,不留重新導向)
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.new {
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.mp-2012-text > ul {
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#column-feature-more .column-feature-more-header a {
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#mp-2012-banner > div > div {
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#mp-2012-banner-title {
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#mp-2012-banner-intro > div {
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#mp-2012-banner-intro .number-of-articles a {
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    font-weight: bold;

#mp-2012-banner-intro p {
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#mp-2012-banner-intro table {
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#mp-2012-banner-intro td {
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    padding: 0 .5em;

#mp-2012 h1{
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#mp-2012-links table {
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    background: #f8f9fa;
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#mp-2012-links h3 {
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#mp-2012-sisters {
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    padding-top: 15px;
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@media all and ( min-width: 720px ) {
/* For the new main page design */

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    width: 45px;
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#mp-2012-links {
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    /* Make it flow */
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#mp-2012 #column-uptrends {
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#mp-2012 #column-participate {
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#mp-2012 #column-participate-button {
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#mp-2012 #column-tips {
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#mp-2012-column-tips-header {
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    color: #444;

/* For the new main page design */
#mp-2012-body {
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#mp-2012 h2 {
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#mp-2012 h2 {
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#mp-2012-column-left > div {
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#mp-2012-column-left h2,
#mp-2012-column-left h2 a {
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#mp-2012-column-right h2,
#mp-2012-column-right h2 a {
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#column-feature img, #mp-2012 #column-good img {
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#column-feature p img, #mp-2012 #column-good p img {
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#column-feature p, #mp-2012 #column-good p {
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#column-dyk li {
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#mp-2012-column-left .mp-2012-text {
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#mp-2012-column-right .mp-2012-text {
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#mp-2012-column-right > div {
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.mp-2012-column-right-block {
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#mp-2012-column-right-block-a {
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#mp-2012-column-right-block-b {
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    background: #FFF;
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#mp-2012-column-right-block-c {
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#column-itn li {
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#column-otd img {
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    margin-bottom: .6em;

#column-otd dl {
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#column-otd dt {
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    width: 4.2em;

#column-otd dd {
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    margin-left: 4.5em;

#mp-2012-banner-logo {
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    height: 119px;
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    background-repeat: no-repeat;
#mp-2012-banner {
    clear: both;

#mp-2012-banner {
    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #ffd800 0%, #ff512f 100%, #fff);
    animation: glow-animation 10s infinite linear;
    height: 120px;
    min-width: 727px; /* 182 + 40 + 240 + 245 + 20 */

#mp-2012-banner-intro {
    float: right;
    margin-right: 20px;
    width: 245px;
    text-align: right;

@keyframes glow-animation