


模板:滿意工廠模板1:Infobox item 滿意工廠模板:Quote The Jetpack is equipment pioneers can use to maneuver in the air, gain elevation and avoid fall damage.

Obtaining[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Crafting[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

滿意工廠模板:Recipes producing

Creature loot[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

A Jetpack Hog drops a single Jetpack on death. As one can spawn at any stage in the game, it allows a Jetpack to be obtained before Tier 5 and used as soon as in Tier 2, when [[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Solid Biofuel]] Solid Biofuel becomes available.

Usage[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Equipment[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

A Jetpack equipped in the back slot in the Inventory

The Jetpack is a personal flight device that is equipped. It is used to increase altitude and potentially avoid fall damage. It also increases mobility during jumps, making the directional keys move the player faster than they would normally.

Controls[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

You hold down {{#vardefine:console|}}{{#vardefine:key|{{{2}}}}}{{#vardefine:keyboard|space}}[[File:undefined {{#var:key}}.png|alt={{#var:key}}|20px|Controls|{{#var:key}}]]{{#var:keyboard}} (Jump) key to burn Jetpack Fuel to increase in altitude. You release {{#vardefine:console|}}{{#vardefine:key|{{{2}}}}}{{#vardefine:keyboard|space}}[[File:undefined {{#var:key}}.png|alt={{#var:key}}|20px|Controls|{{#var:key}}]]{{#var:keyboard}} (Jump) key to descend.

To prevent fall damage, simply tap {{#vardefine:console|}}{{#vardefine:key|{{{2}}}}}{{#vardefine:keyboard|space}}[[File:undefined {{#var:key}}.png|alt={{#var:key}}|20px|Controls|{{#var:key}}]]{{#var:keyboard}} (Jump) just before the pioneer reaches the ground. This will consume a small amount of fuel.

When flying horizontally, it is advised to tap {{#vardefine:console|}}{{#vardefine:key|{{{2}}}}}{{#vardefine:keyboard|space}}[[File:undefined {{#var:key}}.png|alt={{#var:key}}|20px|Controls|{{#var:key}}]]{{#var:keyboard}} (Jump) once in a while at the correct timing, instead of simply holding down the {{#vardefine:console|}}{{#vardefine:key|{{{2}}}}}{{#vardefine:keyboard|space}}[[File:undefined {{#var:key}}.png|alt={{#var:key}}|20px|Controls|{{#var:key}}]]{{#var:keyboard}} (Jump) key. This will allows the pioneer to perform a series of smaller jumps in the air, which greatly increases the flight range.

The (especially horizontal) speed of the pioneer in the air is based on the speed the pioneer had while taking off, so, if the pioneer was running on a Mk.6 Conveyor Belt before taking off, the flight speed would be greatly increased. This can also be taken to the extreme using a Hypertube cannon to traverse the entire map if built correctly.

Fuel comparison[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Fuel Flight Time* Distance Walking @ 5m/s Running @ 9m/s Running w/ Blade Runners @ 13.5m/s Slide-jumping w/ Blade Runners @ 15.5m/s MK6 belt + Slide-jumping w/ Blade Runners @ 39.5m/s
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Solid Biofuel]] Solid Biofuel 12 s 60 meters 108 meters 162 meters 186 meters 474 meters
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Fuel]] Packaged Fuel 17s 85 meters 153 meters 229.5 meters 263.5 meters 671.5 meters
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Turbofuel]] Packaged Turbofuel 23 s 115 meters 207 meters 310.5 meters 356.5 meters 908.5 meters
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Liquid Biofuel]] Packaged Liquid Biofuel 53 s 265 meters 477 meters 715.5 meters 821.5 meters 2093.5 meters
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Rocket Fuel]] Packaged Rocket Fuel 27.5 s 137.5 meters 247.5 meters 371.25 meters 426.25 meters 1086.25 meters
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Ionized Fuel]] Packaged Ionized Fuel 60 s 300 meters 540 meters 810 meters 930 meters 2370 meters

* = Aiming for level flight with net 0 vertical acceleration, tapping the jump button

Fuel[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Preferred Fuel Type UI
The height that can be reached with each fuel type (no tapping)

The Jetpack requires fuel in the pioneer's inventory to operate. A fuel bar is displayed at the lower left of the HUD. It quickly depletes during the flight. Refueling happens automatically when the pioneer is standing on a solid surface (not in the air), swimming, climbing a Ladder, or while ziplining, consuming the selected fuel from the inventory.

The Jetpack can use any of the fuels listed below. In the Inventory {{#vardefine:console|}}{{#vardefine:key|{{{2}}}}}{{#vardefine:keyboard|tab}}[[File:undefined {{#var:key}}.png|alt={{#var:key}}|20px|Controls|{{#var:key}}]]{{#var:keyboard}}, a preferred fuel type can be set by clicking the gear icon ⚙️ while the Jetpack is equipped in the back slot.

The preferred fuel will be used first if available. Otherwise, any other fuel in the order visible in the preferred fuel type UI is used.[1]

Each fuel type has different properties:[2]

Fuel Burn time Flight Time * Vertical speed Height ** Notes
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Solid Biofuel]] Solid Biofuel 2.8 s 12 s 5 m/s 14 m Can be used prior to Tier 5.
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Fuel]] Packaged Fuel 5 s 17 s 4.4 m/s 22 m Default fuel type.
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Turbofuel]] Packaged Turbofuel 3.3 s 23 s 14 m/s 48 m Provides improved air control.
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Liquid Biofuel]] Packaged Liquid Biofuel 12.5 s 53 s 4.5 m/s 56 m Cannot be fully automated.
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Rocket Fuel]] Packaged Rocket Fuel 4 s 27.5 s 30 m/s 120 m Highest vertical velocity ceiling.
[[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Ionized Fuel]] Packaged Ionized Fuel 7 s 60 s 22.9 m/s 160 m Highest flight time of 60 seconds.

* = Aiming for level flight with net 0 vertical acceleration, tapping the jump button

** = Heights achieved holding down the jump button. NOTE: spamming jump button will almost double height gained but is fairly inconsistent.

  • [[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Solid Biofuel]] Solid Biofuel is the only fuel available before Tier 5/6. It allows the Jetpack to be used earlier, such as when just getting started with Oil Processing, or when one is obtained from a Jetpack Hog. It is overall the worst fuel, having slow acceleration and the shortest burn time, and itself cannot be fully automated.
  • [[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Fuel]] Packaged Fuel is the default fuel. It has an average acceleration and burn time, and can be automated easily. However, it is inferior to the following fuel types:
  • [[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Turbofuel]] Packaged Turbofuel has faster acceleration and improved air mobility, which makes it ideal to use during combat, especially against Cliff Hogs and Elite Stingers. It takes some additional resources to be automated, but the gains make it worthwhile.
  • [[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Liquid Biofuel]] Packaged Liquid Biofuel has the same acceleration as Packaged Fuel, but lasts much longer, allowing it to traverse greater distances and go higher than even Packaged Turbofuel. This makes it an ideal all-round and exploration fuel. Its only downside is that it cannot be fully automated, much like Solid Biofuel.
  • [[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Rocket Fuel]] Packaged Rocket Fuel
  • [[File:{{{default}}}.webp|20px|link=Packaged Ionized Fuel]] Packaged Ionized Fuel

AWESOME Sink[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]


Current issues[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • During autosave, the Jetpack will continue adding upward velocity during the short freeze that sometimes occurs, causing a sudden upward boost when the game unfreezes that can greatly exceed the Jetpack's normal abilities for increasing altitude.

Tips[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • For routinely crossing large distances, it is best combined with a Hyper Tube cannon.
  • The Tilted Jump Pad also boosts the flight range of the Jetpack.
  • The Jetpack is complementary to the Hoverpack, which can be used in powered areas.

Gallery[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

History[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

  • Patch 1.0:
    • Now unlocked at Tier 5 - Jetpack
    • Changed AWESOME Sink value from 49580 to 16580
    • Default recipe
      • Changed recipe craft steps from 15 to 30 seconds
      • Changed cost from 50 Plastic, 50 Rubber, 15 Circuit Board and 5 Motor to 5 Motor, 10 Steel Pipe, 25 Iron Plate and 50 Wire
  • Patch Fixed a bug where Packaged Liquid Biofuel could not be selected in the Jetpack until Packaged Turbofuel is unlocked
  • Patch Fixed Jetpack ({{#vardefine:console|}}{{#vardefine:key|{{{2}}}}}{{#vardefine:keyboard|space}}[[File:undefined {{#var:key}}.png|alt={{#var:key}}|20px|Controls|{{#var:key}}]]{{#var:keyboard}}) getting stuck
  • Patch Fixed multiple Jetpack UI bugs
  • Patch Minor updates to the descriptions of the Jetpack and Fuels to match the new Jetpack changes
  • Patch
    • Jetpack can now refuel while the player is on a Zipline.
    • The Jetpack can now use a selection of fuels with different burn rates and acceleration. Thanks to this the Jetpack can be used before automating fuel with Solid Biofuel, and in the late game you can even use Turbofuel which has unparalleled acceleration.
    • Added functionality to change the preferred fuel of equipped Jetpack in Inventory window
  • Patch Fixed an issue where icons would show up blank after Holstering equipment that uses fuel
  • Patch Fixed a crash for Multiplayer Clients and Dedicated Servers Clients when using the Jetpack
  • Patch No longer requires Computers for its unlock (replaced by Packaged Fuel), making it a bit easier to unlock in early Tier 6
  • Unknown Update 4 patch: Changed recipe from 25 Cables to 5 Motors
  • Patch 0.3: Now consumes Packaged Fuel instead of Fuel
  • Patch 0.1.5: Changed crafting cost from 3 Circuit Board and 25 Plastic to 15 Circuit Board and 50 Plastic

Early game development[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]

Prior to Closed Alpha, a basic "Jetpack" or flying mode was first used which allowed flying without using any equipment like the Jetpack.

References[編輯 | 編輯原始碼]



fr:Réacteur dorsal